After the Test…

Having completed my first test for RHMS 270, I feel great! The two essay topics that were chosen were fairly easy for me to write about, mostly because I stayed up very late working on my note Although I had an easy time writing about the prompts chosen, I was hoping to be given the prompt about the digital divide. The topic of the digital divide was very interesting to me. I never realized how much these labels of “Digital native” and “Digital immigrant” could effect society. Without knowing these labels existed, I automatically labeled my parents and the adult figures in my life as “digital immigrants”, or in my own words, slow with technology. After reading the articles again more throughly before the test, I was able to see that I wasn’t the only person who used age as classification for who knows how to use a certain technology and its affordances.

Image result for old people memes

In the end, I feel as if I did great on the test! My essays were lengthy and I barely finished on time, but I do feel as if I answered the questions throughly. The topics we were promoted to write about were fine, but I would have like to write about the topic that interested me the most, and that I can relate to the most. I shared the article about the digital divide to my father, and attached to the link I sent a message: ” Study up, learn how to use your phone, social media, – A Digital Native”. He got a laugh out of it, and from reading the article he is now motivated to learn more about new technology and their wide variety of affordances. I am excited to see my score on the test and to learn more in the fast changing world of technology.

Image result for old people technology memes

6 thoughts on “After the Test…

  1. That’s awesome that you are confident about your exam grade! I know I don’t feel as confident, so maybe I gotta study with you before the next test! LOL


  2. I agree that I would have liked to write about the digital divide for the essay–but one of the most interesting thing about it, is that you can connect it to many things/other theories we’ve talked about in class. How could you connect the digital divide with something like social cues online? I’m glad you felt good about the test!


    1. Connecting the digital divide to social cues online is very interesting. I feel as if the digital immigrants have a very different understanding of social cues online, compared to digital natives.


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