Thoughts on Exam 2

Today in RHMS270 we took our second exam over the topics of community and identity. Overall I didn’t think that the exam was to challenging.  The two prompts we were given to write about were the topics of Networked Individualism and the authenticity of self presentation online. I was glad that we were given these two topics because these were the two I was most interested in!

On the exam I sided wth Networked Individualism being beneficial for individuals and society. In my essay I said that when people are online their reach is far grater and have access to more social support. Social Support is the connections in relationships that keep us mentally and physically well. While studying for this question I looked back at the readings that discussed this topic and found Rainie and Wellman’s article very interesting. The story about Trudy Johnson Lenz and her families amazing recovery thorough the help of online connections was really crazy to me! I used this example in my essay and explained why I thought it was so amazing, lol. While prepping for this question, I started to wonder how are my online connections beneficial to my life?

Image result for Online friends

For the question on the topic of Self-Presentation online I argued on the side that self presentation online is less authentic and honest than self presentation face to face. I discussed the factors of warranting, Identity tourism, and digital deception.  If your a regular reader of my blog than you already know that I slightly discussed this topic in a previous post, so rather than repeat myself, I’m gonna keep it short, lol. I found all the readings for this topic to be very interesting and relevant to life today. The whole lesson on online dating was very interesting to learn about and made me question a lot of people I see online, lol. I’ve always known that people lie easily online, but I  never really thought of how many possible ways there is to lie!

Image result for catfish meme

In the end, I’m just happy that test is out of the way! Now only two more days until the weekend! Hopefully I did well on the exam, and I hope everyone else that took it did well too! Also for anyone who took the exam, where there any parts you found hard?



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